Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Graditude Blog

     There are so many people I am thankful for my friends, teachers, aunts, uncle, and family. The one person who I am thankful for is my brother. My brother is the best brother that I could possibly have. He is always there when I need him we do everything together sometimes we fight, but at the end everything turns out alright. We always play video games his favorite game is mine craft I don't like mine craft, but I play it anyway because it makes him happy. My one favorite thing about my brother is that when my mom comes to pick me up after school he gets out of the car and he gives me a big hug then he says, "Christian how was you're day at school?" That makes me very happy because I know that my brother cares about me and that he loves me very much. I said once and I will say it again he is the best brother that I could ever have.
     I am also thankful for my parents. Without my parents I would be here my parents are the greatest they are the best partners that I could ask for. They are always there to keep me safe and to protect me they are very supportive and they care about me and my brother very much. Sometimes they could get a little annoying from time to time, but they are the best. I am very grateful for them they give me great advice for everything my dad gives me advice about soccer because he used to play soccer and he teaches me the runs that I have to make. And my mom gives me advice about school like how to do this and that and how to get good graded when I am doing an assignment.
     Finally I am greatful my grandma. My grandma is the best she lives with me, my brother, and my parents she used to live with my aunt, but she decided to move with us because my parents worked a lot and there was no one to take care of my brother and I. When she moved in it was the best day of my life because I hardly ever got to see my grandma and it made me so happy to see her again. She is the best she cooks the best food and it taste really good she helps me with my spanish because when I was a little kid I only knew how to speak english and she taught me how to speak Spanish. Over the summer I helped her speak english. She would tell me how to say this and that at first it was a little annoying because I would tell her the word and she would say something entirely different, but I got used to it. That is why I am thankful for my grandma.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Election Reflection

     Yesterday was election day my thoughts about the election in general were disappointing because everyone had thought that Hillary Clinton was going to win, but it turns out that Donald Trump won the election. My thoughts on the election results were surprising because Hillary Clinton had more votes than Donald Trump, but then on the news it showed that Donald Trump had more electoral votes than Hillary Clinton. It surprised me because I thought that Donald Trump wasn't going to win, but now he is going to be the new U.S president in January will he really make America great again?
     I am excited to vote next election because I'm going to be a part of decision making in my country. Also I'm going to be 18 years old and be part of the economy because I'm going to work and study. I am going to fight for my rights and future I am going to make my own decisions, have my own responsibilities, and we are going to choose who is going to represent our country. That is why I am excited to vote next election.
     The first issue is the economy because if the country doesn't have money we are not going to have the best education, best doctors, best hospitals, and not have help from the government. They also talk about bringing back business that is out of the country. Clinton and Trump talked about national security Clinton said that she is going to put new technology to the armed forces to  guarantee the best security for the country. Donald Trump said that he is going to prevent the immigrants from coming to our country The second issue that I think is jobs because Donald Trump said that he is going to give more jobs to employees and more money he is not going to charge taxes that much taxes on them.