Friday, March 31, 2017

3rd Quarter Reflection

     The area that I have made my biggest improvements is my blog's because since the beginning of the school year I already knew how to write them, but I never knew the TIQA method until now. Ever since I made it to eighth grade I've been writing my blogs all wrong then my ELA teacher Mrs. Larson showed me the TIQA method now I know how to write my blogs the right way thanks to my teacher who showed me how to do this.

     The thing that I have accomplished on and was proud of was getting good grades on my vocabulary quiz. At first I didn't know what any of the words meant, but then I started studying and studying until they stuck in my head, sometimes I forget what the words mean and I get really nervous when I take the quiz. Sometimes I get some wrong and the other times I get all of them right every week my teacher assigns new words for us to study I study them and then when we take the quiz I forget everything, but then at the end I get it right.

     To me the most challenging part about 3rd quarter was the amount of homework that we had. We had to write a lot of blog's for this class, but as we are getting closer to 4th quarter the homework has gotten a lot easier. The blog's that we had to do were a little challenging, but I managed to finish them  right now we are doing an argumentative essay about a topic that we chose it looks easy, but we need to add a lot textual evidence into it so that the reader can see what side they are on. That has been the most challenging parts about 3rd quarter I can't wait for 4th quarter to start.

Life is beautiful

     The similarities between Life is Beautiful and Night were the father - son relationship. For example in the movie the son never leaves the father's side even when he is working sometimes, he left him in the barracks to hide other times he tells his son to hide somewhere else so that they couldn't find him. Another similarity that the book and movie have is that the father dies. In the movie he tried to go see his wife and they caught him once they caught him the took him somewhere secret so that they couldn't see and they shot him. In the book Elie's father dies of a disease that he had and nobody was there except for Elie and the candles that lit up for his father in memory of him.

     The differences between Life is Beautiful and Night was that once the family got to the concentration camp the father told his son that is was all a game, and who ever has the most point wins. The son didn't fall for it at first, but then his dad said if they win they get a tank. Then his son looked very suprized, but his dad told him that he had to hide in order to get the points. If the SS officers couldn't find him then his dad said he will get the points. In the book it wasn't a game everything was real Elie and his father actually had to work they didn't get any points. Another thing that I think is different is that when the family arrives at the concentration camp and they go to their barracks the SS officers walk in and they wanted someone to translate German so the father stood up and explained the whole game to his son, so that he could believe that is was real. In the book I think once they got to the concentration camp they just started working.

     The suspense and humor in the movie was when the father couldn't find his son. In the movie the Guido just got back from work in the concentration camp and he came to check up on his son. He called his name a lot of times and he couldn't find him. Then he started asking the people in the barracks if they have seen him they all said no the father got really scared then he saw his son on top of the bunk bed he was very relieved to see his son and everybody in my class while we were watching the movie were gasping. A humorous thing that happened in the movie was when he went to the orchestra to see his wife, but she was paying attention to the music and she couldn't see him. So   Guido started moving his finger and saying, "Come to me princess look at him princess please." Then the lady stared at him and Guido said, "I can only hear from my left ear." The lady turned away and he did the same things with his fingers it was very funny to watch.

     The beautiful parts of Life is Beautiful was when Guido was looking for his wife and he couldn't find her because there was so many woman in carts. Once he couldn't find her he got caught by an SS officer and they shot him. In the book Elie's father wasn't looking for his wife because in the book it said that they only saw his mother and sister one time before they went to the concentration camp. Another thing that was beautiful in the movie was that he really loved him family. He never let his son go and he told his son were to hide so that they couldn't find him. This shows that he really loves his son very much. In the book Elie loved his father very much and I know he was devastated when his father past away. Those are some of the parts that I think were beautiful in the movie.


Monday, March 13, 2017

Night Blog

     Ellie's experience during the Holocaust has changed him as a person by changing is religion/ faith. In the beginning of the book he was very pious on page three it states that, "We talked this nearly every evening. We used to stay in the synagogue after all of the fateful had left, sitting in the gloom, where a few half-burned candles gave a flickering light (Weisel)." This quote shows that he is pious because he used to hang out with Moshe the Beatle and they always stayed after hours in the synagogue when everyone was gone. Another quote from the book that shows that he is pious is, "One day I asked my father to find me a master to guide me in my studies of the calaba (Weisel page 1)." This quote shows that Elise is very interested in his religion that he seeks out a guide to help lead him in his religious studies. This is why I chose these two quotes to show the reader that he was very pious in the beginning of the book.

     Later on in the book he starts changing. For example in the book it states that, "I too had become a completely different person. The student of the Talmud, the child that I was, had been consumed in the flames. There remained only a shape that looked liked me. A dark flame had entered my soul and devoured it (Weseil page 34)." This quote shows that when he was with his father he saw him change first then Eli's think about himself and now he knows that he has changed as well after everything that has happened to him. Another quote from that book is, "NEVER SHALL I FORGET that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky. Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever. Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live. Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes. Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned yo live as long as God Himself. Never (Weisel page 32)."  This quote shows that Elie hasn't forgotten anything about his experience during the Holocaust and how he feels about God. This quote doesn't just show how Elie lost his faith, but what is does show was that he was angry that this has happened to him. He lost his mother and his sister now he just has his father he is angry and disappointed.

     Another change that was caused by his experience during the Holocaust was his relationship with his father. For example In the book it states that, "My father's presence was the only thing that stopped me... I had no right to let myself die. What would he do without me? I was his only support (Weisel page 82)." This quote shows that Elie suddenly thought no longer about himself, but thought about his father. Him and his father are glued together and they don't have anything else, but each other. They don't want to lose sight of themselves and they kept each other going. Another quote from the book that shows that they have is strong relationship is that, "I listened to him without interrupting. He was right I thought in the most secret region of my heart, but I dared not to admit it. It's too late to save your old father, ... but I felt guilty. I ran to find a little soup to give to my father (Weisel page 105)." This quote shows that Elie was enduring a big problem. His father was sick and dying with every minute that passed Elie was confronted by the head of his block in Buchenwald. The head said to Elie to fend for himself. He said that his father was going to die and he should just take his rations due to his fathers condition. Elie knew that, but he couldn't bring himself to do that. He instead went to help his dying father.

Weisel, Elie. Night. New York: Bantam , 1958. Print.