Wednesday, December 21, 2016

"Are Police becoming more Violent?" By Christian Jimenez

Police Brutality is a problem because people are getting hurt or killed by policemen. Once someone gets killed by a policemen other people are going to start a protest about what had happened. The people are going to be on the news, they are going to tell the news what they saw, what happened, and why the people are protesting. There is going to be a lot of different articles and sources about police brutality. That is why police brutality police brutality is a problem.
    A police brutality happened in Chicago on a Saturday before presidential election. In the article it states that, "Donald J. Trump had cast during his campaign as the nightmare of urban America, a Chicago police officer killed a 25-year-old black man (The New York Times)." This quote shows that police brutality could happen anytime. Another quote from the article is, "The next day about 20 protesters with the group Black Lives Matter Chicago showed up at the scene of the shooting, in the far southwest neighborhood of Mount Greenwood (The New York Times)." This quote shows that protesters showed up to the place where the man was killed, and they started protesting about him and to the policeman who killed him. In a CNN interview Father Michael Pfleger said, “Whether it's a racist cop, whether a vigilante, whether black on black crime murder is wrong.” This quote means that it doesn’t matter what type of crime it is murdering people is wrong.
Another incident happened on June 15 at Portillo’s in River North. Khaled Shaar which happened to be an off duty cop hit and punched Terrence Clarke on the day that the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup in 2015. In the article it states that, “Clarke had become combative, according to police report, after Shaar asked him and his family to leave because it was closing time, and Clarke threw out cheese at him (Chicagoist).” This quote means that the police officer asked him to leave and he just threw his food at him and that’s when the off duty cop arrested him. Another quote from the article is,“He also disputed the police narrative of what happened: According to the lawsuit, Clarke told Shaar that his family would leave the restaurant once they finished their meals, and Shaar was angry that Clarke would not get up immediately, WGN reports. According to the police department, Shaar is being investigated and is not on street duty (Chicagoist).” This quote shows Clarke side of the story and what had happened during he got arrested at Portillo’s. All in all police brutality is wrong people shouldn't be getting killed or hurt by policemen it's terrible to see things that had happen on the news about police brutality.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Article of the Week Impressions Blog

Today in ELA class I learned many things one of was that a school made up a mock election. The students got to vote on who they wanted the president to be. The school was in New York city more than 380,000 students voted for the next president of the United States. Hillary Clinton won with 57 percent of the vote, while Donald Trump took 32 percent on the vote in the polls. Some of the students who voted came from California, Illinois, Texas, and New Jersey. Eight states were red, but they turned blue meaning that those eight stayed voted for Donald Trump experts predict that this will happen in the real election. After the entire school voted the kids played their part as pollsters and analyzed the school results.
Another thing that I found important during the gallery walk was Trump elected president in surprise win. Trump wants to repeal Obamacare, he also wants to unagree an agreement they had with Iran because of terrorism because he wants to keep everyone safe. Another thing that happened was Hilary won popular vote, but she lost the presidency. Those are things that I learned during ELA class today.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Police Brutality

     Police Brutality is a problem because people are getting hurt or killed by policemen. Once someone get's killed by a policemen other people are going to start a protest about what had happend. The people are going to be on the news and they are going to tell the news what they saw and what happened. And why the people are protesting there is going to be a lot of different articles and sources about police brutality. That is why police brutality police brutality is a problem.
     A police brutality happened in Chicago on a Saturday before presidential election. In the article it states that, "Donald J. Trump had cast during his campaign as the nightmare of urban America, a Chicago police officer killed a 25-year-old black man (The New York Times)." This quote shows that police brutality could happen anytime. Another quote from the article is, "The next day about 20 protesters with the group Black Lives Matter Chicago showed up at the scene of the shooting, in the far southwest neighborhood of Mount Greenwood (The New York Times)." This quote shows that protesters showed up to the place where the man was killed. And they started protesting about him and to the police man who killed him.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Nonfiction Responses

     The nonfiction book that I am currently reading is called Leonardo da Vinci by Stuart A. Kallen and P.M. Boekhoff.  This book is about where Leonardo grew up, what he has created, and his history
Leonardo was born on April 15, 1452 in a home on the slopes of Monte Albanoa above the village of Vinci. Leonardo was the only child and he lived in his grandparents and their adult children. His mother Caterina married a man named Antonio Achattabrigha and his father Ser Piero married a woman named Albiera di Giovanni Amadori a year later Leonardo was born.
     An important thing I found interesting was, "For Leonardo was a legend in his own lifetime, and his paintings such as Mona Lisa and the Last Supper have secured his reputation as one of the worlds greatest artist in the nearly five centuries since his death in 1519." This passage from the book is interesting to me because I just thought that Leonardo painted the Mona Lisa, but he also did the last supper. I do agree that he is one of the worlds greatest artist. That is what I found interesting in that passage from the book.
     Some things that I learned so far in the book. Was that Leonardo lived with his grandparents I could relate to him because my grandma lives with me. Another thing that I found interesting was the his parents married different people his mother married a different man and his father married and a different woman a year after he was born. Those are just some things that I learned so far in the book I can't wait to learn more about Leonardo da Vinci.

I commented on Dena's blog.

I commented on Jesse's blog

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Graditude Blog

     There are so many people I am thankful for my friends, teachers, aunts, uncle, and family. The one person who I am thankful for is my brother. My brother is the best brother that I could possibly have. He is always there when I need him we do everything together sometimes we fight, but at the end everything turns out alright. We always play video games his favorite game is mine craft I don't like mine craft, but I play it anyway because it makes him happy. My one favorite thing about my brother is that when my mom comes to pick me up after school he gets out of the car and he gives me a big hug then he says, "Christian how was you're day at school?" That makes me very happy because I know that my brother cares about me and that he loves me very much. I said once and I will say it again he is the best brother that I could ever have.
     I am also thankful for my parents. Without my parents I would be here my parents are the greatest they are the best partners that I could ask for. They are always there to keep me safe and to protect me they are very supportive and they care about me and my brother very much. Sometimes they could get a little annoying from time to time, but they are the best. I am very grateful for them they give me great advice for everything my dad gives me advice about soccer because he used to play soccer and he teaches me the runs that I have to make. And my mom gives me advice about school like how to do this and that and how to get good graded when I am doing an assignment.
     Finally I am greatful my grandma. My grandma is the best she lives with me, my brother, and my parents she used to live with my aunt, but she decided to move with us because my parents worked a lot and there was no one to take care of my brother and I. When she moved in it was the best day of my life because I hardly ever got to see my grandma and it made me so happy to see her again. She is the best she cooks the best food and it taste really good she helps me with my spanish because when I was a little kid I only knew how to speak english and she taught me how to speak Spanish. Over the summer I helped her speak english. She would tell me how to say this and that at first it was a little annoying because I would tell her the word and she would say something entirely different, but I got used to it. That is why I am thankful for my grandma.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Election Reflection

     Yesterday was election day my thoughts about the election in general were disappointing because everyone had thought that Hillary Clinton was going to win, but it turns out that Donald Trump won the election. My thoughts on the election results were surprising because Hillary Clinton had more votes than Donald Trump, but then on the news it showed that Donald Trump had more electoral votes than Hillary Clinton. It surprised me because I thought that Donald Trump wasn't going to win, but now he is going to be the new U.S president in January will he really make America great again?
     I am excited to vote next election because I'm going to be a part of decision making in my country. Also I'm going to be 18 years old and be part of the economy because I'm going to work and study. I am going to fight for my rights and future I am going to make my own decisions, have my own responsibilities, and we are going to choose who is going to represent our country. That is why I am excited to vote next election.
     The first issue is the economy because if the country doesn't have money we are not going to have the best education, best doctors, best hospitals, and not have help from the government. They also talk about bringing back business that is out of the country. Clinton and Trump talked about national security Clinton said that she is going to put new technology to the armed forces to  guarantee the best security for the country. Donald Trump said that he is going to prevent the immigrants from coming to our country The second issue that I think is jobs because Donald Trump said that he is going to give more jobs to employees and more money he is not going to charge taxes that much taxes on them.


Monday, October 31, 2016

Veterans Day Poem

On Veterans Day we honor all of veterans who had served young soldiers and old soldiers fought for our freedom and protected us some had lived others had past away, but we will always remember them we’re proud of all of the soldiers that fought for us and our rights.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

"Cubs win fans light fireworks to celebrate"

     On October 22nd, 2016 Berwyn, Illinois the Cubs were playing against the Los Angeles Dodgers. They won their game 5-0 after the Cubs won Cub fans were lighting fireworks outside cheering in front of their house’s. Everybody could hear the fireworks in the night and some people were sleeping when they were lighting the fireworks. Cub's fans were so happy that they won and are now going to the World Series since 1907. Cubs fans were distraught when they lost against Cleveland.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

First Quarter Reflection Blog

     In the 10 book challenge I am at three books 47 Walter Mosley, The Giver Louis Lowry, and Mike Lupica Game Changers. Right now I am reading Kick by Walter Dean Myers and Ross Workman. Once I'm done reading this book I'm going to put it on my 10 book challenge in my notebook and I will have already read four books. I need to start reading more books because right now I don't have that many, but if I start reading a lot of books I would have more book in my 10 book challenge and by the end of the year I would have a lot of books read.
     My blogs have improved quite a bit. Back then when I barley started to know how to write blogs I didnt have a topic sentence. Because I would just write about what had happen in the book or just write what Mrs. Larson told us to write. One time during class Mrs. Larson introduced us to the TIQA format. The TIQA format showed us what we had to put in our blogs and this helped me a lot because  it showed how my blog is supposed to look like. Now everytime I have to write a blog for a book or anything I now know what to put and include in the blog.
     My goals for ELA class are to get good grades, read a lot of of books for my 10 book challenge, and be a better writer. I will get good grades by getting all three's and four's, studying before test's, and finishing/turning in my work that is how I will accomplish my first goal. My other goal is to read a lot of books because I want to get as much books as I could on my 10 book challenge also I would like to learn new words and use them sometimes that is why I would like to read a lot inside and outside of school. My final goal is to become a better writer so that when I go to High School I would know how to write an essay or anything else maybe for a job aplication. Another reason why I would like to become a better write is so I could learn new things as I write because when I write something sometimes I don't know what I'm writing, but if I keep on trying to become a better writer I would learn new things as I go. Those are my goals for my ELA class.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Movie vs Book

In the book and the movie The Giver they have different endings. In the book it tells you that Jonas went down the hill with Gabe and he started to hear music and then the book ends with, “Behind him, across vast distance of space and time, from the place he had left, he thought he heard music too. But perhaps it was only an echo (180).” This quote means that Jonas heard music, but he doesn't know if it was an echo. It also explains that Jonas might have crossed the boundary of memories and shows the community receiving the memories. In the movie it shows you that Jonas goes down the hill with Gabe and he crossed the boundary of memories and the other scene shows The Giver explaining love and how it feels to the chief elders and he talks about the memories how we could feel different emotions from them. Once Jonas crosses the boundary of memories everyone starts seeing the memories and color. Then Jonas gets to the end of the hill and he sees the house with people inside it singing that is when he hears the music, but he thinks it was only an echo then the movie ends with Jonas saying that he will return to the community.

In the movie The Giver the director shows us the community differently than it is in the book. I think that the director changed the community to make it more futuristic because in the book it's in the ground, but in the movie it's floating in mid air. I think that he decided to make it like this is because in the movie Jonas escaped with Gabe on the bike and they started chasing after them. Jonas goes to where The Giver lives and he peddled as hard as he could until he fell off the community with Gabe on the bike everybody thought that he was dead, but he kept on going so that they wouldn't find him. This changes the story because once Jonas fell of the edge of the community the chief elder send his friend Asher to go find him because Jonas was still alive Asher found him and he carried him into the water to help him. Then Jonas started walking a lot to get to the boundary of memories that is the story changes with the community floating in the air.

The novel most impacted my understanding of The Giver because it explains everything more clearly. In the book we had to read a lot to get how The Giver explains the memories to Jonas and how it makes him feel, but in the movie The Giver explains everything way earlier to Jonas. That is one thing that I really didn't like about the movie it shows everything early and in the book we had to read a lot of pages to understand what was going on. In the book I really understood it better than the movie in the movie they changed a lot of things that wasn't in the book and they added some scenes that through me off at first, but they turned out to be really awesome and entertaining. What I really liked about the movie that it showed when Jonas was on the sled with Gabe and the scene switches to The Giver talking about how the memories are good that is one thing that I wish that was in the book. Instead of it ending it with Jonas hears music, but he thinks he was an echo.

Friday, October 14, 2016

The Giver Theme Blog

    Jonas is a dynamic character because throughout the novel he changes. At the beginning of the story Jonas only cared about his job he is going to get. Later on during the ceremony he was skipped and he felt very nervous on why they had skipped him. When the chief elder stood up and hold up Jonas’s arm he then announced, “You will now be trained to be our next Receiver of Memory. We thank you for your childhood (64).” Jonas wa surprised and very confused on why did they choose him to be the next Receiver. Later on Jonas meets The Giver for his training and The Giver started talking about the memories “It’s the memories of the whole world,” he said with a sigh. “Before you, before me, before the previous Receiver, and generations before him (77).” Now Jonas knows what are memories and how long they had been there after all his training The Giver gave Jonas a memory the memory of sledding “There was no sled. His posture didn't change. He was simply alone someplace, out of the doors, lying down, and the warmth came from far above. It was not as exciting as the ride through the snowy air; but it was pleasurable and comforting. Suddenly he perceived the word of it: sunshine. He perceived that it came from the sky. Then it ended (85).” That was the first memory that Jonas ever got from The Giver after that The Giver started giving Jonas more memories and Jonas started to feel pain and love from these memories. One time Jonas asked his parents if the loved him “Do you love me?” There was in awkward silence for a moment. Then father gave a little chuckle. “Jonas. You, of all people. Precision of language, please (127)!” After Jonas had said this his parents said that they enjoy him, but in the night Jonas went up to Gabe and he told him that he loves him and that everything could change. Jonas starts to feel more emotions because The Giver has given him some new memories. Jonas saw his first release with The Giver and he didn't like it. He saw his father kill a newborn baby and he was very frustrated on what he saw. So Jonas decided to run away and he took Gabe with him because Gabe was going to get released too so the left the community didn't go back.

    Looking into the past created wisdom (memories) this connects to Jonas one of the main characters in The Giver. When The Giver felt pain he gave a memory to Jonas about what was torturing him, “He was confused, noisy, foul-smelling place. It was daylight, early morning, and the air was thick with smoke that hung, yellow and brown, above the ground (118)...” This quote relates to the topic sentence because while The Giver was in pain he transferred his torture to Jonas. So that Jonas could see and feel what The Giver was experiencing after the memory happened the memory showed Jonas the feeling of pain and that changed him. Another quote in the story is, “The Giver ended the afternoon with a color-filled memory of pleasure: a brisk sail on a blue-green lake; a meadow dotted yellow flowers; an orange sunset behind mountains (110).” This quote also relates to the topic sentence because it helped Jonas see colors because in his community no one can see in color, but The Giver can and now that Jonas has this memory he could see in color and sometimes Jonas gives Gabe a memory and he receives them. Jonas has been influenced by this theme because. The Giver gives him a lot of memories and some of the memories give Jonas wisdom on what he sees in those memories after Jonas experiences those memories he starts to feel different emotions and he starts to become more wise because of the memories. Jonas has now learned that he is wise because of all of the memories that The Giver has given him because without the memories he wouldn't feel any emotions or even see in color he would just be a regular person in the community.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Giver blog

     In The Giver by Lois Lowry the word released is used very often so far in the story. This word keeps showing up again and again because the author wants the reader to know. That the word is very important throughout the book and it could help the reader understand the book more. In the book it says that, “There was even a boy in his group of Elevens whose father had been released years before.” This quote means that the word is brought up a lot to value it's negativity and it maybe foreshadow the main character that will maybe get released in the book. I predict that Jonas’s younger Lily will get released because in the story the story it says that she is an eight, but she hasn't been released yet maybe that will happen later on in the story.

    Another signpost is in chapter four. There is a memory moment Jonas remembered he was an eight. In the story it says that, “He remembered when he had become an Eight as Lily would do shortly.” This memory might be important because it shows that Jonas was an eight and it might affect him later on in story maybe will will remember all his younger ages. Jonas was bike riding with Asher because he doesn't do volunteer hours very often, but with 12 coming soon they didn't have to do volunteer hours anymore. They had the freedom to choose where to spend those hours and that's when Jonas remembered he was an eight. I predict that Jonas might have more memory moments about all his ages and he might tell his sister Lily what was it like being that age.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Welcome to My Blog

Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Christian and I am in the boy's soccer team at Heritage Middle School. We have games every week and we have practices when the coach thinks that we need some improvement on what we are doing.

On my free time I like to play video games with my little brother some games that we like to play are, FIFA, Call of Duty, and NBA 2K. One of my favorite games is FIFA because I like scoring goal's and being competitive. Another thing that I like to do on my free time is watch movies one of my favorite movie is cars.